To begin with i was anxious about the subject. I felt that business is out of my comfort zone and honestly not something i wanted to touch upon. However as the lectures went on i realised the importance of the subject. Even though i'm not the best with figures, knowing whats necessary to set up as a sole trader is very important for my career. Knowing about accountants and solicitors, how much it is to hier them and how to use them is very useful.
I feel my presentation went ok, it didn't go amazing but i did make sure i touched upon the key elements we were meant to. One criticism is that i didnt make clear my mission statement. That wasn't intentionally, the content was there i simply forgot to talk about it enough. Clearly my presentation skills need working on. The presentation on a whole was nerve racking but necessary, fact is we will have to pitch at times and present ourselves to others. So the more practice we get at it now the better.
I know it would be nearly impossible for each course to have individual seminars but i would have found these more engaging and easier to understand then lectures. If we had seminars targeted to Graphic Design i feel i would have learnt more rather then having examples of setting up businesses for coffee shops etc.